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I really am hopeless.....

that's the bad Icon_problem  
would you rather be picking broken tube glass pieces up
most sellers would not even care about insides
shake out over garbage can and vacuum Icon_thumbup


Some day, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to do a service for me. But until that day, accept this justice as a gift

Yeah, sam, but most of the sellers I have bought from wrap the radio in cling wrap first, that keeps the crap out, saves about half the number of peanuts, but the peanuts used can still cushion it just fine from the outside. I've never had one shipped that way arrive messed up. Perhaps I have just been lucky. C'est la vie. If that is my biggest gripe, it's minor.

Someone was making pink popcorn inside that radio.

O heck, Mike, as long as the Maalox fart beans did not ruin anything like the speaker cone, why do you care? Use them yourself next time.

People who do not drink, do not smoke, do not eat red meat will one day feel really stupid lying there and dying from nothing.

Brenda: since you are a fellow military type, why not use our favorite method of disposal and just set them on fire? 

(10-18-2015, 10:45 AM)mikethedruid Wrote:  Ah, Squire, I remember the days when folks WOULD gladly donate the "old radio that has been sitting in the attic" just to get rid of it. I got several of my radios that way back in the '60s. Today people know they are antiques and folks will pay good money for them, so such generosity is a lot less frequent. Funny how the "junk" of fifty years ago are now the "antiques" of today.

People will pay good money for SOME of them.  The problem is that there are a lot of radios that deserve restoration and people will not pay anything for them.

Mark K8KZ

(10-22-2015, 11:14 AM)BrendaAnnD Wrote:  I keep asking, PLEADING for sellers not to use peanuts. They're a PITA, near impossible to control when unpacking, and, worst of all, IT COSTS ME $8 A BAG TO DISPOSE OF THEM!


Peanuts are just terrible.  A convenience for the shipper, but a curse for the person who has to open the package.

Mark K8KZ

(10-29-2015, 06:32 AM)TA Forbes Wrote:  Brenda: since you are a fellow military type, why not use our favorite method of disposal and just set them on fire? 

 They also dissolve quite nicely in gasoline, even better in lacquer thinner, you can use it as a form of coil dope or for starting fires whilst still wet.

Winter is coming , so if you have a few difficult cased indoors, so much the better. Look on the bright side, or better yet refuse payment.

I found a shop vac works well to get the rascals out. Only problem was it sucked one of the tubes right up! Tube was fine and it no doubt improved the vacuum in it.

A friend in need is a pest!  Bill Slee ca 1970.

All y'all crack me up!

Fortunately for me, my wife hates peanuts more than I do.  So anything that comes packed in peanuts, she inevitably wants them gone before I do.  I never have to deal with them!   Icon_angel

I do like the "dissolve in gasoline" option, though. Can you use it in your lawnmower after that?

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