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Parasitics in 89B Receiver

I have the 89B 123 with the 77 detector.  I had to rewind the oscillator coil as in many other sets and all is working and about to package it up and call it fixed when lo and behold I find a parasitic.  The set is self oscillation on 600 khz and there is a station in this market on that channel.  So out come the bypass cap and see if I can place it across something that will stop the parasitic.  Just wonder if any others have seen this.

Stan Adams
Memphis Icon_e_surprised  Icon_e_surprised

Edit: Model number corrected.

Maybe a few drops of Frontline or Advantage, take care of those nasty critters. Icon_lol

"I just might turn into smoke, but I feel fine"

yea buddy, if you have ever spent a night in a cold transmitter building trying to get birdies out of a broadcast transmitter, now that is some fun!!! Napalm might work better.

Hi Stan
Couldn't find any info on your set unless it is a battery job??

89B is 34 Tombstone, I had birdies in the first RF Amp-1st Detector/Mixer, just backed the gain down a bit.

Methinks you mean a model 19. Well you could have taken it to France to be with all to other Parisasites.

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