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To B+ Circuits Except Output Transformer?


I'm trying to wire up my 46-250 according to the paperwork I just received from Chuck Schwark. I'm trying to incorporate the revision to it for code 122 which has 30ufd, 25ufd and 20ufd electrolytics. It shows on the revision page that the 20ufd pos. lead connects to R102 1.2K resistor and then goes "TO B+ CIRCUITS EXCEPT OUTPUT TRANSFORMER PRIMARY". On the schematic it shows the 20ufd cap with the 90V on it being common to the red wire of the T200 audio transformer.

Icon_confused So I'm a little confused. Is this 90V connection to the red wire (primary) of the output transformer actually being made? And if not, where does the red wire (primary) of the output transformer go?


Icon_redface Sorry folks! This dummy just saw the other note that gives the output transformer connection. Time to quit for the day. Thanks anyway.

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