09-04-2013, 08:50 PM
Today my want ad for a Firestone console radio on CL actually paid off. I got an email from a gentleman in Kent, OH about a 1950-51 Firestone radio he had saved from being tossed into the trash by the original family who owned it. The bad news is: the phonograph is missing, the dial light bulbs are burnt out, and it isn't quite what I hoped to find. The good news: It was free! It works quite well once a couple slow tubes catch up and, it was free! 
It is a model 4-A-86 and appears to have used an earlier Voice of Music changer. The guy asked about the record player and even checked through the old house, but couldn't find that part. He was just happy to save the radio from the trash and then find it a good home.

It is a model 4-A-86 and appears to have used an earlier Voice of Music changer. The guy asked about the record player and even checked through the old house, but couldn't find that part. He was just happy to save the radio from the trash and then find it a good home.

No matter where you go, there you are.