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Hello need help with my 1951 730L

Just joined and wanted to say hello. Wondered if anyone can tell me if this is right. Just got a Canadian 730L ,
seems to be the same as the 51-1730. I removed the unit from the cabinet and found a tube underneath
that seems to be wired into the record player, it it wired properly, was this added to replace another tube
that had gone bad or is it normal. Also notice it is a little burnt.



Welcome to the Phorum!

I'm thinking that is a capacitor, and it needs replacing. And all the other capacitors will need replacing as well.You will need to find a schematic for your set. I'm sure others will chime in here.


Welcome to the Phorum. I see you have a schematic and that's the first place to start checking things. I've not worked on this model before but that black "tube" looks to be an electrolytic capacitor. From what you said it seems it was wired in but hanging loose under the radio chassis. That leads me to suspect it was added later to replace one of the original electrolytic caps that had failed. The indentation on the cardboard was where it was clamped onto a chassis at some time in its life. I'd replace all the paper and electrolytic caps as they appear in the schematic.

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