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Finally finished a Fada 46

This may not be appropriate as I do look at both Phorums and learn a lot but when starting on this radio I opted to post in on ARF as it seems they have a larger audience and this radio was a little unusual. Well, the chassis is now working after several months of SLOW work.
Perhaps some of my fine Philco friends may enjoy my adventure and learn some ideas for their radios. Now on to the cabinet. A long thread.

A friend in need is a pest!  Bill Slee ca 1970.

Cool looking radio.

Mike, thanks, now if I can get the energy up for the cabinet it may be totally completed. I just thought some Philco Phans might enjoy the journey.
Regards, Jerry

A friend in need is a pest!  Bill Slee ca 1970.

This chassis better be working GREAT if it took several months. (This is why I never translate hobby time into money, otherwise I'd go insane thinking of how much the true costs are).

Jerry Wrote:Philco Phans might enjoy the journey

Thanks for the trip Jerry! Icon_clapIcon_clapIcon_clap Nice job!

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