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philco 296 cap i.d.

i'm going thru this chassis,caps and resistors 1st. 2 questions;
part number 31,the value on schematic is .5mfd,the part number on the bakelite block crosses to a .05mfd,which is correct?
also,there is a large wire wound resistor about 5 inches long,what is it's value?

See the Schematic Section right here on this site.

The Model 296 is there:

Cap #31 is 0.5 uF. Plate bypass cap for the second 27 tube.

That wire-wound resistor is probably the BC resistor #44 in schematic.


howdy and thanks chuck,p.# 44 is a tapped wire-wound and checks o.k.. the one i posted is not tapped and one side is grounded,other to filter block if i remember correctly,i'm at work,radio is at home. any other ideas?

i just looked at the schematic again,i only see one resistor to ground and the filter block,part #45 at 10k. i didn't think wire wounds were usually this high in value,do you see any other posibilities?

It's resistor #45 then, and yes, wire-wound resistors can be large values.

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