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38-12 antenna coil

Finally had a chance to play with the 38-12 for a bit and ended up winding some #34 wire on the open oscillator coil I had and fired up the set. While that seems to work fine , the primary on the antenna coil is open. As luck would have it, the junker set has a bad one too (remind me why I bought the junker set). Has anyone used the universal antenna coil that AES sells? I tried finding the break without luck and there are far too many turns for me to want to even attempt to rewind it Icon_mad

Hi Tony,
I have used a universal coil on a Dumont 'picture frame" set a few months ago. It had been robbed from the chassis when I bought the set.

I replaced the 4 termonal coil to the board and it worked just fine.
On your diagram
I see another short coil above the RF coil. Maybe this is part of the original? Or maybe a seperate coil that is on the antenna loop?

Just make sure you ID the leads on the replacement fefore installing.

I see that you tried to find the break in the old coil, good for you. I was able to get lucky a few times and found the break 2 or three turns into the coil. Or found the break right at the terminal. But once you've unwound much of the coil it seems hopless. I have had some that were broke right at the inner side, and rewinding would be out of the question at least for me.

So to your original question, I'd say that the generic replacement would work fine.
Good luck,

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