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84B Cabinet Restoration

[Image: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ldke62kbsiud4x....jpg?raw=1] [Image: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1jfoqwffr1radl....jpg?raw=1][Image: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fsqofwxdlos7xs....jpg?raw=1]
This cabinet belongs to the chassis in my 84B chassis restoration thread.  It wasn't in terrible shape but there were enough scratches and flaws that I decided to go ahead and do a refinish.  Besides, I need the practice.  The photos from left to right are "as received", "stripped" and "toned".  Toners were a very light coat of medium walnut ultra classic on the center portion just to even out the color a bit; perfect brown ultra classic on the arch and outer section of the front and van dyke brown for what should be the black sections.  VD Brown comes out almost black and I liked it better than the black I had.  I don't have clear on yet but will put on gloss coats but rub it out to a satin finish since the original 84B was satin according to its brochure.  That is unless you guys suggest going with satin clear from the get go...if so do you still rub out the finish, I've never used anything but gloss clear.
[Image: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ve98zbkdz0pydh....jpg?raw=1]
There was only one small veneer chip that was easily fixed.  You see it here before and after.  
[Image: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8h6fsrlki2f5c7....jpg?raw=1][Image: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7nkp8wnys5b5qy....jpg?raw=1]

If you look closely at the original finish below, I think you can see how they must have used a template that they placed over the lighter portion to mask it while toning the darker sections.  It seems they must have placed it on the radio but had it slightly shifted upward since the lighter toning extends beyond the black line.  Or it might just be the angle that they sprayed from left the edge next to the template lighter than the rest.  I'm sure in a production situation they would not tape it like we do, but just lay that template down, spray and move on to the next cabinet.  In a video I recall seeing a lady on the production line spraying very very quickly (no respirator of course  Icon_crazy ).  Will post more as soon as I make more progress.
[Image: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tggtzw768vku8f....jpg?raw=1]

(10-23-2014, 08:13 PM)klondike98 Wrote:  [Image: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5462...ceived.jpg] [Image: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5462...ripped.jpg][Image: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5462...pleted.jpg]
This cabinet belongs to the chassis in my 84B chassis restoration thread.  It wasn't in terrible shape but there were enough scratches and flaws that I decided to go ahead and do a refinish.  Besides, I need the practice.  The photos from left to right are "as received", "stripped" and "toned".  Toners were a very light coat of medium walnut ultra classic on the center portion just to even out the color a bit; perfect brown ultra classic on the arch and outer section of the front and van dyke brown for what should be the black sections.  VD Brown comes out almost black and I liked it better than the black I had.  I don't have clear on yet but will put on gloss coats but rub it out to a satin finish since the original 84B was satin according to its brochure.
[Image: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5462...isible.jpg]
I think the gloss coat is the way to go. You can always adjust the sheen afterwards to your liking with a gloss, but not so with a satin.Concerning the top chip repair- I always use graining markers- amazing product, one can't see repair spot at 2 feet distance.

His Master's Voice..... Icon_eek oh that's a different brand and breed ....

[Image: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p6fd0atb0wi438....jpg?raw=1]

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