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37-11 Rectifier

Recently I acquired a 37-11; it looks like someone had cut all of the resistors and caps from the power supply; they also cut the wiring to the magnetic tuning and dial lamps and more cut wires dangle from everywhere. Those aren't the problem however.

In rewiring the supply I found that the original wiring is for a 5Y3 and not a 5Y4. Is this an early version? Does anyone else have a 37-11 that uses a 5Y3? There don't appear to be any service notes on this. While it is on the bench does it make sense to wire it for a heftier rectifier?

Pete AI2V

Now that is odd. I just looked at the service bulletin for your set; it calls for a 5Y4G rectifier. I also checked the Changes in Models sheets; no mention of a different rectifier.

A 5Y4G is electrically the same as a 5Y3G; except that the basing is different. Either should be adequate to power the 37-11.

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

Thanks for your input, Ron.

It makes me wonder if this different rectifier might be the reason why someone trashed the chassis. I will be rewiring it for the 5Y4 so that the problem won't occur in the future.

Pete AI2V

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