I got a big load of resistors from someone but the issue is they were all jumbled together with no way to tell the wattage. took me 3 hours to separate them. Is there anything that tells you that a resistor is 1/2 watt or 1 watt etc?
Elderly carbon resistors are prone to drift up in ohmage and otherwise may perform oddly whether or not they have ever been used. Can't say I know a good way to test other than an ohm-meter.
As it was mentioned a photo would help because it depends on composition and/or age. When you take the picture include something known to compare size to, like a penny.
There are new resistors like the one on the right looking like they are 1/4W that are in fact 1W resistors. Just recently used some.
They are of course not carbon type. First time I saw them I did not believe it.