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Waste Not Want Not

Trim cost money! Remember, this was 1930 and the Depression was on. Philco was being run by Jim Skinner, of whom Fortune wrote in its February 1935 issue: "Mr. Skinner is Scotch and thrifty and Philco is thrifty and Scotch." One of the reasons Philco managed to climb to the top of the radio heap was their ability to scrimp and save where needed. Steve, you hit the nail on the head (no pun intended) with your title: "Waste not, want not"!

What did Philco do with leftover chassis and cabinets? Why, they put together Phactory Phranken-Philcos and sent them out the door to be sold! Sets that make us scratch our heads in wonder 80+ years on. Sets like an apparently short production run of grandfather clocks with Model 52 chassis...and even a grandfather clock with a model 89 chassis...a 200X cabinet with a 201 chassis inside (complete with Model 201 labels inside the cabinet)...a 1934 16L lowboy cabinet with 1935 escutcheon and 4-band chassis...a short run of Model 50 Baby Grands inside Model 70 Baby Grand (cathedral) cabinets with front panels drilled for three wide-spaced shafts instead of four narrow-spaced shafts...and there are many others.

And remember, the early production of Model 21 cabinets included leftover Model 20 chassis, complete with 71A output tubes...

If that Philco employee would have dared toss aside that piece of trim and installed another, he probably would have been immediately dismissed. So he drove the bent nail into the wood, filled the damaged area, and sent the cabinet on its way...

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

Messages In This Thread
Waste Not Want Not - by Steve Davis - 05-03-2016, 08:31 PM
RE: Waste Not Want Not - by morzh - 05-03-2016, 08:44 PM
RE: Waste Not Want Not - by Steve Davis - 05-04-2016, 08:57 AM
RE: Waste Not Want Not - by Ron Ramirez - 05-07-2016, 09:09 AM
RE: Waste Not Want Not - by Phlogiston - 06-03-2016, 05:47 PM

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