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found rare Western Elec hifi MC input transformers today?

I don't see why a Western Electric transformer would be any different then one made by Thordarson, Jefferson, Hammond, or any of the other makers. There isn't really any magic involved in a transformer, if the iron is the same, the windings are the same, then it doesn't matter what brand it is as they were all wound by machine. Given the advances in materials and production methods a brand new Hammond transformer of the same specs is probably better then a W.E unit any day, but it's the brand identity factor. We are talking a group of people that pay $1500 for a power cord so common sense doesn't come into play.
There was a bit of a scam for a few years in selling the amplifier chassis from Microsynchronos Victor models from 1929-31 as Western Electric amplifiers, some sleazeballs were even trying to sell the speakers as W.E made units even though Victor made their own and G.E held most of the patents. I have heard that the market has long since dried up on that since our Japanese friends became wise to it.
Best Regards

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