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Atwater Kent model 206 weak noisy reception upper end of dial

> It's CK1 on the schematic. It that critical and if so, what could be used in place of it?

Not so much w/o it you may hear a little bit of 60cy hum but that's about it.

>some are very small value, like 1 ohm, even a .5 ohm I saw.

I so one that in the dial lamp circuit but also saw a few that had the omega symbol meaning megohms. First time I've seen that.

> although they are still very noisy and sound distant.

Ok try this tune in a station up near the top of the bcb 1400-1500kc then adjust A2 and A3 and see if that helps.
Have a look at the voltages on the rf amp and mixer. Mostly the screen grid and plate.

OBTW I found this today dinking around a voice from the past. An offen heard but very seldom seen Harlow Wilcox!
Kewl vid he's in the 2nd half enjoy.

When my pals were reading comic books
I was down in the basement in my dad's
workshop. Perusing his Sam's Photofoacts
Vol 1-50 admiring the old set and trying to
figure out what all those squiggly meant.
Circa 1966
Now I think I've got!


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