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Atwater Kent model 206 weak noisy reception upper end of dial

Tonight's enjoyment included taking apart that #58 tube IF can...and finding nothing amiss with it. I sleeved the grid cap wire down further to make sure that it couldn't touch at all, but oddly enough all of the wires coming out of that can were nice and pliable yet...nothing crumbling. There was even a cloth covered one!

It was like trying to pull a golf ball through a garden hose to get it out of the can though!

I was able to replace another crumbling wire that may have had a bare spot touching against one of the studs from the can, and touched up a solder joint from one of the wires leading out of the can, but outside of that, no real progress. Symptoms remain the same, even after swapping out a #58 tube and the 2A7 as you suggested. I will try the local osc test tomorrow night and the voltage checks. Never got to that tonight as the can project took a lot more time than I had planned.

Yes I knew Harlow was Amos 'n Andy's announcer too. I love listening to those shows too. Gale Gordon must've been doing double duty with Lucy and DTM at the same time in the early 60's. Have you seen the Twilight Zone episode "Static" with Dean Jagger (aka General Waverly from White Christmas)? That's one of my fav's too.

Greg V.
West Bend, WI

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