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Atwater Kent model 206 weak noisy reception upper end of dial

I think I got it about as good as I can get it, Terry. The combination of the grid cap wire having a tiny bare spot inside the can that was touching against the metal eyelet, and a crumbling wire with a bare spot touching against the stud of the IF can seems to have been causing all of the motorboating and weird noises. I can move the chassis, bang on the workbench and it doesn't cut out, crackle or motorboat anymore. I did do the local OSC test and it passed. I had the radio at 620 and the other radio at around 1100, and I could hear the OSC. When I turned off the AK, the OSC sound stopped on the other radio.

I gave it another alignment and found it needs to be slightly off peak to eliminate a lot of the noise. It receives a lot of stations. Still a little weaker on the upper end of the dial, but I can live with that. The OSC is working, the ANT is working, IF and RF cans are doing their thing. Resistors are all good. Capacitors have all been changed, save for a couple of micas. Several tubes have been tried. Not too many more components I can change.

Greg V.
West Bend, WI

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