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Just picked up a 1936 Philco 116B Tombstone Radio Today and need some info on it

That would of been nice to of known sooner because I did have some Odorless Mineral Spirits on me, had I known that that's what I should of used to clean the dirt build up off the dial on this radio sooner I would of saved myself the hassle (and the $31) of having to get a new tuner dial for this radio. 

I did ask if there was anything I should of known about this radio before I tried to do anything further to it, and the tidbit about the ink on the tuner dial being sensitive to water based cleaning products would of been an important tidbit of information to of shared with me when I asked...  Icon_mad

Especially since I did say in my initial posting that this was my first time working on a Philco Radio from this time period, because the only Philcos I've ever worked on previously were the ones from the 1940s that had glass dials rather than phenolic dials which the glass dials that Philco made weren't sensitive to water based cleaners.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Just picked up a 1936 Philco 116B Tombstone Radio Today and need some info on it - by captainclock1988 - 12-09-2019, 11:32 PM

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