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1948 Crosley TV/FM 9-407 Restore on Youtube

Hi Buzz, great project and Video!

I have a 1950 Meck Philharmonic Model 8200, that I had picked up from Facebook Marketplace last year that when I got it it was still in really good shape yet (despite coming from an old farmhouse that its roof had collapsed over 20 years ago) and I had to replace all of the capacitors in the TV and quite a few of the original resistors as well, and I had to replace some of the tubes as well. 

I was able to get it up and running after several attempts (and an improperly installed voltage doubler capacitor) and my TV uses the same exact picture tube as your TV does which is a 12P4 picture tube and that TV technically has a 10" picture (it uses a 12" picture tube with a 10" mask).

take a look at my thread here which is my complete journey through resurrecting my 1950 Meck Philharmonic TV, and no unfortunately I didn't make any videos of my restoration project.

Good luck with your new project!

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