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RCA Victor 56x5 "All American Five" Superhet

I have a couple of these, three of them. One of them is a "Radiola" version of it. I haven't been into either of these sets for some time now, but I'm sure that this model has a 12SG7 RF stage, with mixer stage untuned.

The set is decently sensitive, so that's OK as far as the broadcast band goes. The 56X5 was advertised as a 12000 mile set, or something like that. The implication was that it was exceptionally hot on short wave. Indeed, you have to use an external antenna on it, but I think that the 12000 mile number probably means that you have to take the set 12000 miles to get the SW station.

But, it is a handsome cabineted set, and was a tad expensive. If the printed wood grain on the cabinet is still in good shape, you have a cute radio, and it sounds good, for the audio circuitry.

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