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RCA Victor 56x5 "All American Five" Superhet

So put on about 50 feet worth of copper wire for an external antenna and the AM stations came in GREAT! I can get all the local stations fairly clear (I've never heard a new tube radio so I'm only comparing the radio sound to what I've heard on movies and tv... very scientific). But the shortwave function isn't working at all. I thought the volume control worked on the SW, but there's not even that. All I hear on the SW bands is a steady, very quiet hum - like it's getting an 'empty' signal. Does anyone have any ideas or has anyone had a similar problem with these all americans?

thanks in advance!


PS: is there a way to tone down the high pitch hums from the weaker stations... the strong stations drown out the high pitch hum I hear, but the weaker stations don't so there's a (what I'd call) an old-time radio hum... ALL the paper and electrolytic caps have been replaced, so any other ideas? Maybe adjustments? This is not significant... but I'd like to get a clear sound on it if possible.

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