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Philco 39-36 code 121

Hi and welcome,

Unfortunately I don't have a 39-36 at my beckon call so it's a bit hard for me to visually figure out how all the wires are connected to the bandswitch. By viewing the diagram section A does the oscillator switching and B switches the antenna circuit. This includes the the pushbuttons.

I'm pretty sure that the switch has detents so there is a feel of latching into position. Shouldn't just spin freely with no sense what position your in.

Might help to post a few pics of what you've got so we can see what is going on. Pics need to be about 900x900 or a bit smaller to fit on the Phorum. If not they won't show up.

Hopefully your set has been serviced in the last 15-20yrs if it's due for a going over.


When my pals were reading comic books
I was down in the basement in my dad's
workshop. Perusing his Sam's Photofoacts
Vol 1-50 admiring the old set and trying to
figure out what all those squiggly meant.
Circa 1966
Now I think I've got!


Messages In This Thread
Philco 39-36 code 121 - by Antman6 - 02-16-2021, 10:52 AM
RE: Philco 39-36 code 121 - by Radioroslyn - 02-16-2021, 02:48 PM
RE: Philco 39-36 code 121 - by Antman6 - 02-21-2021, 10:47 PM

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