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Picked up a nice 38-7 the other day

I saw one of those 38-7XX models at an auction a few years ago (or the Canadian version), I don't think that I bid on it, I think that I bid on a DeForest Crosley and a Sparton console instead since they had nicer looking cabinets and were early 30s vintage. At that point I stopped going after consoles that had less then 7 or 8 tubes in the chassis.
I had an idea regarding the grille cloth problem with these sets. The thing to look for is some pin striped fabric of a suitable colour, or something that could be dyed a suitable colour, then stitch two pieces of it together so the pin stripes are at a 45 degree angle (or whatever it was) with the seam down the center. Obviously it would not be as good as the reproduction cloth is but still better then nothing.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Picked up a nice 38-7 the other day - by TimC - 03-08-2012, 07:38 AM
Re: Picked up a nice 38-7 the other day - by Arran - 02-04-2012, 08:44 PM

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