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Some Russian guy restoring a console - worth taking a look

There are some like that there too, but mostly those are avid radio amateurs/enthusiasts with good experience in electronics, or professionals / semi-professionals.

As for the Audiofools, those I've met; they have told me very seriously, that the whole "power of the sound" is in cables, and those 1000-dollar audio cables with "controlled characteristic impedance" (I wonder if they know what it is) are what makes the sound come out really good. Of course, everything should be gold-plated.

Who do you think buys all this crap in best Buy, when they sell you DVI 6-foot cable for 70-80 bucks when a 6-dolar one works as good or better?

My first guess would be the poorer audiphools buy the $70-80 cables. I wouldn't shop at a Best Buy anyhow, even if they had an outlet near me, they are an awful company, like many other hustlers in crap consumer electronics. Best Buy is notorious for hard sell tactics, bait and switch, selling overpriced warrantees, and just bad service, as of late they have also been donating money to C.A.I.R, I won't explain what that is here, you can look it up.
There was a semi famous test where someone substituted a length of steel coat hanger wire (10 AWG I believe) for one of those glorified video patch cables, Monster Brand I believe. With a blind test they switched between the coat hanger and the fancy patch cable and the coat hanger won.

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