08-30-2013, 02:19 PM
That resistor looks like a decoupling resistor, used to isolate the power supply of the IF stage from the converter and RF stages. Sometimes if B+ power is applied to all stages from the same source, you may get instability or oscillations due to the common power source. The resistor, together with a bypass cap serves to filter the supply and isolate the stages from each other preventing the problem.
Most likely, the 10K value on the schematic was a typo, all to common on the Philco schematics. The plates of the 6K7 and 6A8 probably draw about 10 mA total, so there would be a voltage drop of 10 volts or so across 1K which seems reasonable. A 10K would give 100V of drop which would clearly be excessive.
Most likely, the 10K value on the schematic was a typo, all to common on the Philco schematics. The plates of the 6K7 and 6A8 probably draw about 10 mA total, so there would be a voltage drop of 10 volts or so across 1K which seems reasonable. A 10K would give 100V of drop which would clearly be excessive.