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Replaced the capacitors but all I get is a hum

The meter is working correctly, but I was not. I was reading the schematic wrong. Now that I have figured out the schematic I see that most of the resistors are within tolerance. The one exception so far is a resistor that it supposed to be 1 meg ohm, but is consistently measuring out to 12 meg ohm. Is this one resistor enough to disable the radio?

Thanks for all of the suggestions. I don't have the alligator clips, but I have been scraping away the old crud so I can get a good connection. The probes I have actually have a little detent near the tips that enable me to hook the leads in there. It works well.

No offense Morzh. I read a lot before I mess around with electricity, and I saw that the multimeter produces the required electricity to read ohms. It is confusing for somebody new to it like myself though.

If I have to replace the suspect resistor, how do I know what wattage to get it in? The schematic says nothing about wattage for them.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Replaced the capacitors but all I get is a hum - by Andrew Fleck - 11-06-2013, 09:39 PM

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