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Found My Philco Holy Grail!! A 201X

I had a 201X on loan from a collector friend for a year. I wanted to compare it side by side with a later Stromberg-Carlson with the "acoustic labyrinth" for audio quality (the 201X won hands down) but while I had it, I wanted to try improving its appearance. It had some deep scratches, even gouges, in the finish. But the basic finish was glass-smooth; you could shave in front of it. With a little dye in the scratches, they disappeared. From a few feet away all you could see were reflections of objects in the room, so the scratches and gouges weren't noticeable. I recommend putting some effort into cleaning and polishing, and I think you'll be happy with the result.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Found My Philco Holy Grail!! A 201X - by Alan Douglas - 11-19-2013, 03:41 PM

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