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Gotta stop looking at CraigsList

I’ve got to stop looking at CraigsList; too often there are unusual radios. This past Monday I found a listing for a Philco Grandfather Clock (Model 507 I believe) for $150. I responded to the listing and “claimed” it. With a set of the proper tools for a 1931 Philco, I went to the seller’s warehouse, removed the radio chassis (70) from the cabinet, and somehow managed to get this beast into my Jeep Wrangler. I’m very glad I have an electronic rear-view screen since I couldn’t see anything on the passenger side nor from the rear view mirror.

The radio is on the bench now and after two hours the cap blocks have been emptied and restuffed and all of the resistors replaced. The filter caps are those nice copper variety. There’s nothing but lots of dust on the top of the chassis and that will come off quickly with an air gun. Tonight comes the plug-in.

The cabinet is in very nice shape and should be a fairly easy restoration. The clock was someone’s kitchen wall clock which I won’t waste my time with; it was held in place with screws and wire. I’ll probably go for a modern battery clock.

After this comes the question of where will it go. I haven’t the slightest idea. I don’t even know the market value on these grandfather clock radios but I know it’s not cause for celebration.

Pete AI2V

Messages In This Thread
Gotta stop looking at CraigsList - by AI2V - 05-24-2014, 10:14 AM
RE: Gotta stop looking at CraigsList - by AI2V - 05-24-2014, 02:14 PM

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