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Next project - Philco Tropic 41-758EZ

It's not bad, really. Now, the topside of the chassis is pretty grungy, with a rust spot or two. I have not yet decided how to go about cleaning it.

I haven't touched the radio in a couple days, but today I cooked all of the old paper caps in a recent acquisition - a used toaster oven. I left a few in too long and they became burned on the ends; otherwise, this process worked well.

Each cap was removed from the oven, one by one, and the old "guts" removed and the outer shells wiped off.

I then restuffed them with new capacitors.

Here they are - yes, there are more here than in the last picture, as I "cooked" some extras for the next project:


The next job is to start replacing the wires that have rubber insulation (in short: all of them). Well, there will be a few solder terminals where wires connect that I will not be able to reach with my soldering gun; these will get resleeved with heat shrink tubing instead. I'll also be replacing resistors as I replace wires. The next job after that will be replacing wires on both IF transformers, followed by restuffing the electrolytics, installing the restuffed paper capacitors, installing a new power cord, and finally, installing new dial cord.

This set is missing its dial pointer, so I will have to see if I have something suitable to use as a replacement.

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

Messages In This Thread
RE: Next project - Philco Tropic 41-758EZ - by Ron Ramirez - 12-14-2014, 05:29 PM

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