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Pacific 'Raleigh' 6-valve - a beautiful mongrel

Found this completely by accident over the weekend - Some of you might be aware of the Pacific spiral dial radio I'm slowly restoring, others might have seen the popular but extremely rare Pacific 'Elite' art deco console (looks like two triangles joined at their tops) - this is another popular New Zealand made Pacific set from the mid-30's... They made some great radios (or, truth be told, commissioned some great cabinets and added great chassis' from other manufacturers - but hey, they are nice radios).

I've wanted one for a long time and this one just fell into my lap... I ended up paying over double what he wanted for it - because he sold me a few other radios for good prices and because I felt this was worth at least what I wanted to pay, but well more than he wanted.  Call me mad, but I just couldn't steal it and then enjoy it.

Unfortunately, it wasn't until I was looking at it in the car and thought, "6V6GT output tube, what the?..."

The chassis looks right, but it looks wrong.  The badging on the chassis looks correct for the era, and the dial / knobs line up - but the actual chassis itself looks like its from a radio nearly 10 years newer.  I have no idea whats going on there yet - it certainly doesn't match the valve layout label.

My initial thoughts are that I might (if I can find another collector with one to copy) scratch-build a chassis using this one for the badge and other mid-30's radio chassis I have for parts.  Since it has a chrome speaker ring I'm thinking a chrome chassis would suit it too.  Its a 6 valve with similar lineup to the Airline 62-316 I'm restoring so if I can't find schematic details then that would make a good reference point to copy from.

I wonder if this is when it received its transplant?


All-in-all I'm very happy with it, even if its going to need some work to make it 'right'.

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Messages In This Thread
Pacific 'Raleigh' 6-valve - a beautiful mongrel - by kiwi_steve - 03-21-2016, 05:06 PM

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