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48-1270 found /acquired!

Found at the local thrift store- for $40 I couldn't pass it up! I'll start on this after I finish a couple transitones for xmas presents

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Nice find!
I need to check the thrift stores too.
Need some relief from antique mall$


Nice 13 tube set! Ought to be a great player!

Nice 13 tube set! Ought to be a great player!

Thanks! Should be a fun project

Congratulations on your find! Looks like it has the original 78 rpm (only) changer, also.

One word of caution: The original "Dynamic" (magnetic) cartridges usually were damaged by people attempting to replace the original stylus with a steel needle. The steel needles are slightly larger in diameter than the original stylus, and forcing them up into the cartridge is all it takes to ruin the cartridge. This damage cannot be repaired.

You could replace the cartridge with a modern magnetic cartridge fitted with a 78 rpm stylus (still available), and wire the new cartridge for mono output, but you might have to play around with tracking weight to get it to work correctly.

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

Good News! It still has the original needle and the turntable looks to be in great shape.

I just got the schematic and technical notes- The chassis has almost 80 capacitors! This one is definitely going to be a challenge. I am going to restore a few more tabletop models before I attack this one to get some more experience under my belt.

It definitely is 78 RPM only- but I have a few 78rpm records waiting for me to get the confidence up to rebuild this one!

Nice set, Paul. The more I look at it, the more I like it. You guys know more than I do, but it seems to be the last really high end console Philco made.

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