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Can someone identify this radio?


Does anyone know what model this is? I went through all the gallery pics and didn't see it. It is AM-FM 5 tubes.




It appears to be a mid-1960s model, so is not in this site's Gallery.

Is there any type of tag, sticker, etc., under the cabinet, inside the cabinet, or on the chassis? Any such label or tag should have the set's model number which will start with a letter followed by three or four numbers. Example - N988 - which would be a 1965 model (N).

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

I have this radio, it works excellent in original condition.  Sadly the model # is missing.  Everything inside is dated 1965 though

Looks to be Philco 27-11271-2.

Here the back panel seems to show the model #.

Also this

People who do not drink, do not smoke, do not eat red meat will one day feel really stupid lying there and dying from nothing.

Hello Steve,
that looks like a very nice little radio !

Sincerely Richard

Wish I had seem this thread when it was first posted. I have one of those with a big crack right down the middle of the cabinet on the front that still worked when parked about a year ago.

No matter where you go, there you are.

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