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It's a beast, but the price was right.

I missed out on the Philco this guy had, but dragged home this Zenith 12H090Z for a low price. Needs a tone arm and of course has all that wonderful, crumbling rubber wire to deal with. He seemed like a nice young man and he said he would try to contact me about any other radios he ran across at auctions in his area. Both the Philco and this radio came from the same home that was auctioned off.



No matter where you go, there you are.

wow really nice Icon_clap

Thanks. At least it is in better shape than the one I had years back before I joined the Phorum. Any tips on how to best preserve the photo finish on these? It has 'alligatored' some from temperature changes over the years, but isn't peeling and is still mostly intact. I know getting it in a climate controlled environment is the first step.

No matter where you go, there you are.

Very nice. Good luck with it


Don't let it fall on you! You will have to use a floor jack or a chain hoist to get it up off the floor.

I have one in the shop right now. Someone put coasters on it.

"I just might turn into smoke, but I feel fine"

Looks nice, and will sound and look great by next spring, probably.

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