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Zenith Royal 2000-1 AM/FM Radio Issues

OK, well I had removed the AC Adaptor socket from the radio/circuit because the socket was so badly corroded, which was basically just an 1/8" headphone jack style socket that was threaded on the end and was held to the cabinet with a washer and a nut.

I do have several 12v AC Adaptors that I picked up once in a box of old AC adaptors and power supplies and other related electronic stuff from Goodwill once, but I would have to find a proper socket to fit those adaptors to install in the radio.

The corrosion oddly enough isn't battery acid corrosion it seems to be moisture related corrosion because the corrosion is only on the AC Adaptor socket and the headphone jack the inside of the battery compartment including the terminals are spotless.

See pictures below.




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