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Philco 40-155

MrFixr55 thank you so much for the detailed explanations, that takes time to do.

Okay, resolved. Would help if I could read the tube, I did have a 6J8 installed but the numbers were severely faded resulting in reading the tube incorrectly. I did try plugging in a 6J7 and yes, that didn't work. What's surprising is a 6K8 and a 6A8 would work. I did try another 6J8 and it worked the same as the original that came with the radio. Still disappointed with the performance, I've got a Philco 39-25 that has better reception.

At last, got this working well. Impressed has really nice reception and tone. Had a bad connection on one of the capacitors in the rf section.

Certainly appreciate the help.

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