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The list of my radio & TV collection!

Bought here such a beautiful radio last fall, but only now repaired - Akkord Pinguin U59

Akkord Pinguin U59 Portable Battery Radio. Germany 1959. The U 59 is the latest lamp version of Akkord Radio's most popular Pinguin all-in-one radio transceiver family, a unique German private family-owned company, the leader of the 1950s in Europe in the portable radio sector for tourism. Four bands - LW, BC, SW 16-50m and FM 87-100 MHz. Ferrite antenna for DV / SV and double telescopic antenna for HF and FM. All the same "suitcase" design and construction of the case - a wooden frame covered with leather or dermantine ... The traditions of the company - a sacred thing. ))). 7th "finger" miniature tubes of the most economical European series D ... 96 with a current consumption of 25 mA cathodes - DF97, DK92, DF96, DF96, DF96, DAF96, DL96. This is one of the very few radio models with a two-stage IF amplifier on AM bands and a three-stage (!) IF with a two-stage RF converter when operating on FM. The power supply is universal - from a 220 V network or a 100 V rechargeable anode battery and two galvanic cells of type D. So - the anode battery is Rechargeable (!), With a charge from the mains, of course it did not live up to our days ...) The unit is equipped with 4 section KPIs - two sections on AM and FM. At the top of the chassis is a range switch board and the input / heterodyne contours of the AM bands. On the right is a block of IF and LF amplifiers. The power of 200 mW is enough for sounding a large room and creating a good picnic mood ..

Портативный батарейный радиоприемник Akkord Pinguin U59. Германия 1959. U 59 является последней ламповой версией самого популярного семейства всеволновых радиоприемников  Pinguin от Akkord Radio - уникального немецкого частного семейного предприятия, лидера 50-х годов в Европе в секторе портативного радио для туризма. Четыре диапазона - ДВ, СВ, КВ 16-50м и ФМ 87-100 МГц. Ферритовая антенна на ДВ / СВ и двойная телескопическая на КВ и ФМ. Все тот же "чемоданный" дизайн и конструкция корпуса - деревянный каркас, обтянутый кожей или дермантином ... Традиции фирмы - святое дело. ))). 7-м "пальчиковых" миниатюрных радиоламп самой экономичной европейской серии D ... 96 с током потребления накала катодов 25 мА - DF97, DK92, DF96, DF96, DF96, DAF96, DL96. Это одна из очень немногих моделей радио с двухкаскадного усилителем ПЧ на АМ диапазонах и ТРИкаскадным (!)  ПЧ с двухкаскадным ВЧ конвертором при работе на ФМ. Питание универсальное - от сети 220 V или аккумуляторной анодной батареи напряжением 100 V и двух гальванических элементов типа D. Так так - анодная батарея АККУМУЛЯТОРНАЯ (!) , с подзарядкой от сети, конечно что она не дожила до наших дней ...) На ФМ блоке установлен 4-х секционный КПЕ, - по две секции на АМ и ФМ. Вверху шасси размещена плата переключателя диапазонов и входные / гетеродинные контуры АМ диапазонов. Справа - блок ПЧ и НЧ усилителей. Мощности 200 мВт хватает для озвучивания большой комнаты и создания хорошего настроения на пикнике ..

О о ... Icon_think Again the problem ... Michael, how about English "КПЕ " ? Icon_think


German radio Akkord Pinguin U59. Reception of radio stations on the FM and BС bands with strong industrial interference in the city.


The story of how the era of lamp technology smoothly turned into the era of transistor radio ... Icon_rolleyes

Transistor all-wave radio Akkord Pinguin U60 .1960 year. Another model of the very popular German company Akkord Radio is Pinguin U 60. This is the first fully transistor all-wave radio receiver of the company, which almost does not differ in design from the tube U59 of the previous model year. For comparison - the model is 59 years old, find 10 differences)). The back covers are also completely identical. The only difference is the presence on the old lamp model U59 of three screw holes on the top of the case for better cooling of the radio tubes ... But under the cover everything is much more interesting - everything is the other way around here, the only similarity is the metal chassis, the same KPE design, range switch and intermediate circuit amplifier screens. It seems that the radio tubes here were simply mechanically replaced with transistors, of which there are only 8 pieces. Interestingly, in addition to the FM block and range switch boards, the installation of intermediate and low-frequency amplifier elements is mounted - they are located on the back of the chassis and therefore the visible side of the chassis looks almost empty ... unlike the lamp predecessor. )
The facade of the case is also almost identical to the previous model, the only difference is the availability of space for the Transistor nameplate (unfortunately lost ....), the sequence and placement of the range switch keys and the scale graph. The same 4th frequency range within the same frequency range. The “transistor" is slightly lighter than the tube ancestor, although it’s only less than a kilogram - 3.1 kg instead of 4.
Next in line are comparative tests with lamp ancestors. )))


Транзисторный всеволновой радиоприемник Akkord Pinguin U60 .1960 год. Еще одна модель очень популярной немецкой фирмы Akkord Radio - Pinguin U 60. Это первый полностью транзисторный всеволновый радиоприемник фирмы, который дизайном почти не отличается от лампового U59 предыдущего модельного года. Для сравнения - модель 59 года, найдите 10 отличий )). Задние крышки также полностью идентичны. Единственное отличие - наличие на старой ламповой модели U59 трех винтиляцийних отверстий на верхней части корпуса для лучшего охлаждения радиоламп ... А вот под крышкой все гораздо интереснее - здесь все наоборот, единственное сходство это металлическое шасси, такие же по конструкции КПЕ, переключатель диапазонов и экраны контуров усилителя промежуточной частоты. Такое впечатление, что радиолампы здесь просто механически заменили на транзисторы, которых здесь всего 8 штук. Интересно, что кроме ФМ блока и плат переключателя диапазона, монтаж элементов усилителей промежуточной и низкой частоты является навесным, - они размещены на обратной стороне шасси и поэтому видимая сторона шасси выглядит почти пустой ... в отличие от лампового предшественника. )
Фасад корпуса также почти идентичен предыдущей модели, - разница только в наличии места под шильд «Транзистор» (к сожалению утраченного ....), последовательности и размещении клавиш переключателя диапазонов и графики шкалы. Те же 4-е диапазона частот в тех же пределах по частоте. «Транзистор» немножко легче лампового предка, правда всего менее чем на килограмм - 3,1 кг вместо 4-х.
На очереди - сравнительные тесты с ламповыми предками. ))


" . . . it’s only less than a kilogram - 3.1 kg instead of 4."

Very interesting  bud  . . . Sounds like they didn't take full advantage (yet) of the miniaturized potential . And batteries certainly ADD weight,  so I'm assuming this is still an a.c.-operated model.   Icon_idea

So is Jake Blake. Here is the same wooden building from the previous model on the on radiotubes and even the chassis metal.

Any transistor Zenith TO even without batteries is very heavy. Even if lighter than the tube ones, not by much.
But then, if you think of it, tube design typically does not require as many tubes as there are transistors in the solid state designs, but tubes themselves are not heavy and are not the main contributor to the total radio weight.

People who do not drink, do not smoke, do not eat red meat will one day feel really stupid lying there and dying from nothing.

Friends . Please accept my small contribution to the optimism of our colleagues and their good mood during this troubled time. This is my first English video. Thanks to Michael for the help. Do not judge strictly and accept everything with humor. ) We all now need positive emotions.


Peter, nice video  Icon_thumbup  nice radio too.  Keep them coming!


M R Radios   C M Tubes

Excellent tutorial video Peter !  Thanks for sharing. Icon_e_wink

Well done video and good looking radio. Icon_thumbup

Thank you Peter  Icon_thumbup

Lexington, KY
"illegitimis non carborundum"

Thank you friends. I'm really glad you liked this video. We have quarantined in our country, I sit in my workshop - I repair my radios and make videos about them. I will be glad if my videos will cheer you up.

Friends, I give everyone a little good mood and optimism ... It's hard to live without them ... My new video.

Quote:Portable, tube and battery radio ... Philips LS 452 UB

- An original representative from the Swedish branch of the leader of the European Radio Industry of Philips Radio.
- A bright Swedish-Dutch alternative to the all-wave portable German "radio chest" and the numerous "transoceans" of the leading US companies - Zenith, RCA, Stromberg Karlson and others ...
- ... with the company of this company are vivid and unique style, charm, technical perfection and creative originality of the design. Battery powered, durable and lightweight wooden case ...
-... a wide short-wave range from 16 to 50 meters, an informative scale and ease of use made this receiver among fishermen and the population in remote areas of the Scandinavian countries.
- Like in most portable radios of the 1950s, the case is also wooden ... but Philips would not be Phillips and would not give out something creative and atypical ... - get a crackle color with imitation of snake skin. )))
- Really universal power is applied, a power cord is hidden by a sliding small door from all possible current networks - direct and alternating current voltage of 110, 127 and 220 volts.
- ... Unfortunately, the instruction on the back wall is almost disinterested for the consumer ... The only information is the types of radio tubes and batteries.
- But the radio tubes here are very interesting ... An early European alternative to American "fingers" - three pieces of the "remlock" type DK-40, DAF40, DAF41 and the output "finger" pentode DL-94, a complete analogue of the American 3V4.
- the value of the anode voltage is 90 volts; two anode batteries of 45 volts are used, with "combined in series.
- The cathodes of all radio tubes with 4 "D" type galvanic cells for their power supply are also connected in series.
- Philips was the first European grandeur back in the 30s to abandon speakers with electric magnetization using magnets made of rare-earth materials ...
- Lightweight aluminum chassis is not a fad - in a portable radio it is rather a necessity to reduce the weight of the radio.
- Another interesting feature of this receiver is two loop antennas, cut into grooves around the perimeter of the wooden case. One works on LW / BC, and the second on SW range.
- A strange neighborhood on the chassis of the contours of different eras ..., - coming from the 30s, and intermediate from the 50s. )
- This model was made in Sweden and sold only in the countries of Scandinavia, there is very little information on it ... But because ... "to be continued." )))


Thanks for the great video and good spirits Peter !   Icon_bounce

Made a new video ... For those who are interested, it is better to get acquainted with the best radios in Europe 1935-45...


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