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My first Philco radio.


Look up "Redundant" in the dictionary, it says "See Redundant"- Robin Williams

"Do Justly, love Mercy and walk humbly with your God"- Micah 6:8
"Let us begin to do good"- St. Francis

Best Regards, 


I wonder which dictionary he looked in Icon_lol

People who do not drink, do not smoke, do not eat red meat will one day feel really stupid lying there and dying from nothing.

It's unrelated and totally off on a tangent.

Wow mission accomplished somehow!
I did a lot of weirdos crap to get to the end.

First I carefully cut up a steel can of peas.
Made a thin band to fit in the whatever to shim it up. Dropped in super glue to keep it in.
That didn't work it was too tight. A weird kind of tight that would allow the shaft to slide in but impeeds the whole thing from locking together. Whatever.
Ripped it out, that super glue was really good. Gouged out the glue crust.

Now the weird extreme stuff I did.
It was almost like the inside shaft couldn't go deep enough with the two balls and spring. So I chucked a drill bit in my drill and slid it in and out and slightly around the sides. Something...migrating metal or grease black goo...something was stopping the whore from clicking together and staying together.
I drilled it and cleared out whatever minute but of crap or brass burr that formed.
Than I chucked the outer shaft into my drill and held the flange in my fingers and ran the drill letting it break in.
Cleaned it and oiled it, than tried to put tension on the spring and snap it together.
It did. I spun the controls with MY DRILL to garentee it won't pop out. It stayed good.
Drop of oil. Put the radio back together.
The tuning action is a little rough probably from some lingering film of super glue. But I'm done with this freak game.
What a nightmare.
What were Philcos engineers smoking before their work day???

I pissed off the diehard Philco loyalists with my snarky jab at their unneeded complexity.
Sorry gents.

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