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39-7: The Saga continues

In Korea I would imagine that it would be difficult to do any logging without disturbing the grave-sites that are EVERYWHERE.....Icon_eh

This is true. Family "graveyards" are literally everywhere. I've never seen a "public" graveyard ala western countries. I'm not even sure where they do logging, with the exception of areas where they are in the process of erecting a new city. That's one of the most fascinating things about the ROK: instant cities! In the time I've lived here, I've seen several places go from being rice fields and light forestation to being cities of 500,000-1,000,000 inhabitants in the space of a year or two's time. It's interesting to watch as you drive by an area from week to week.

Are there any import regulations on woodworking products? For instance, if we were to put together a wood working care package would it reach you or be confiscated?

Would depend largely upon what was included.

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