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Hello. New to phorum, need help with ID

I received this radio as part of grandparents clearing out the old place. It Says Model 17 (Code 125), but I can find any info on it anywhere. It does not match any in the photo gallery. Any help would be appreciated.


welcome danharvey6
good news it is a philco 17 not in photo gallery but their is little info on it
here is all I found but maybe other members will join in with info

I have a feeling 39-7 or 38-15 are very very close radios. 38-15 cause it looks the same, both chassis and dial, and 39-7 since there are pushbuttons.

38-17 is identical to the "17" save for the pushbuttons. And the 38-17 is close enough to the 38-15 that Philco expected you to use the 38-15 service info to repair the 38-17.

Sam (mafiamen2) posted a link to another "17" discussion. One or two others have popped up in the history of the Phorum.

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

That's Great. Ty for the quick replies. I hope being rare makes it more collectable.

It is probably more collectible than other 5-tube pushbutton console radios. But most radios in that class, you'd have to donate to Goodwill to get rid of them. You might actually be able to sell this one, but probably only for $50 or so.

It's a sharp looking radio, and will be great as a first restore; easy to work on. The result will be a great sense of satisfaction and a fine-looking radio that sounds good. Just don't expect to be able to sell it for much.

It's an unusual item to be sure, but it still is not a 37/38-690 or a 37/38-116, so it is still not really desirable to most collectors. Most guys would just yawn at another little five-tube console and not think about its relative rarity.

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

Well...if it were not for valuable space, I am trying to round up 5-tubers, got 38-15 and 38-12 by now.

Have a really bad 39-7 I got for 5 bucks in Kutztown for parts, for its speaker, which was in an unknown shape but tested well when I harvested it 2 weeks ago after a year of it sitiing in my garage.

Since some others are simply ACDC versions of the same, I probably skip 38-14 unless it falls in my lap for 10 bucks.

It can be a very time consuming task but I found my radio by having to go date by date and pic by pic slowly so I could compare. I finally found mine in the group in June 1932. Hope this helps.

Hey Dan,
Welcome to the phorum!!!
I've got it's little Bro... Same set w/o the pushbuttons.
Your's is in really nice shape!! Mine is a mess! Previous owner painted it w/poly and it's a B..... to remove. Dial is shot. It's a piece of tin foil glued to cardboard. The glue dries out and then the pointer scrapes off the foil. Not pretty.
Philcos from 1939-42 have rubber wiring and is prone to disintegrate and cause shorts. Best to rewire. That's another reason why it's not sought after set. Great project for someone starting off and give good performance once it is serviced.
Front panel is photofinish. DON'T use paint strippers on it it will destroy the wood looking grain.
Could be a nice little winter project !!!
Terry N3GTE

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