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Philco 112 speaker to permanent magnet

Go to the link above, scroll down a bit, and download the file

Unzip the file and open read-only in Excel.

This spreadsheet gives data on all Philco speakers from 1929 through 1938.

If you have the late version 112 with two 47 oputput tubes, the original speaker was H-4.

The primary impedance of the original output transformer is 13,000 ohms. You will want an output transformer with a primary impedance of, or close to, 13,000 ohms and with a secondary that will match the 6 ohm speaker you want to use.

Mike and Terry have both given you excellent advice. You would do well to heed their advice. I can only add that any vintage radio will perform best when using the original speaker designed for it. There are exceptions, but given how the early Philco sets aren't comparable with 1950s high fideltiy, they usually do best with their original speaker or a replacement that is identical to the original.

H series speakers of this type often pop up on the auction site if the original cannot be repaired.

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

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RE: Philco 112 speaker to permanent magnet - by Ron Ramirez - 03-23-2018, 08:20 PM

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