02-25-2020, 10:19 AM
In anticipation of the summer, the topic of picnics and a picnic of radio began to interest.
I think that the colegs will be interested in getting to know each other and talking with German battery radios
[Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQFMNCRdvms]

Quote:Рortable travel radio case (koffer radio) Akkord Offenbach 52 NB5. Germany 1952 One of the first models of the German private company Akkord radio, which appeared in 1949 and specialized exclusively in portable battery radios for tourists and young people - the so-called "cofferradio", which are the direct descendants of the Wehrmacht's famous "officer suitcases." However, the "suitcase" is not as simple as it seems ... The scale and controls on the front panel are reliably protected by two sliding shutters, despite the presence of only 4 adiolamps, the receiver is a full-fledged all-wave superheterodyne with ranges from 16 to 50 meters with a frame antenna traditional for the 50s, though only on the NE and LW bands. The design of the case is typical for those years - a wooden frame covered with dermantine. The strong influence of overseas technical culture is noticeable - especially on the choice of chassis type and range switch. Universal power - from AC / DC 127/220 volts or from a set of batteries 80 and 6 volts. Judging by the size of the battery compartment, there is no problem with choosing the right size batteries, and the nameplate number (22000) suggests that this model was very popular for a poor and exhausted German war. Despite the external resemblance, the chassis design has one significant difference from the “Americans” - the getinaks board with pistons for mounting parts instead of the hinged surround mounting. As it turned out later, this was one of the features of the new German technology school, later it even migrated to the first German transistor radios.
That's all ... Video with a demonstration of work - in the near future ....
[Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQFMNCRdvms]