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The list of my radio & TV collection!

To add to it: this is the radio Peter sent to me about 2 weeks ago, and today I went to pick it up; it is in my car right now, and I will open it tonight. The box seems to have no damage, so I hope it is in that exact shape as it is in this video.

The reason I wanted this radio is this: my grandpa while living in Far East bartered this radio off of some American sailor, the radio having found huge popularity with the US personnel. He described it to me in great detail, while I still was a kid. He said it looked like a portable typewriter and used miniature tubes. And was very sensitive, plus being able to receive seaport taverns' radio where people used very bad language. My mom also remembers this and quite recently retold me this same story. The fate of this radio was to be given to my uncle, the brother of mom's, who, as a fresh graduate of 1st Moscow Medical school, along with his wife, also a graduate of the same school (him being an internist and her a psychiatrist) were sent to serve their 3-year young specialist term to Tuva,


a very remote part that had then just joined the USSR. Having been living in quite squalid and unusual for a Moscow dweller conditions, my uncle gifted this radio to the local Communist Party official in order to ingratiate himself to the latter and possibly make his life a bit more tolerable.
My grandpa said that when he found out about this, he almost squeezed the dear life from his own son.

So, about 10 or so years ago I embarked on the search for this radio, until I found that forum where Peter and I met, and there I was told, that the Telefunken "Schreibmachine" (nickname indeed means "Typewriter") T6445 GWK fits the description. There is also Telefunken T1345GWK, that is in the same case but does not have multiple SW bands, only having one. I saw a few, some ion very nice shape, but every time the seller would refuse to ship to the US.
So, about a couple of months ago Peter found one on sale in Ukraine and was able to acquire it for me and ship by a private Ukrainian delivery service called Meest ("Мiст" in Ukrainian means "Bridge" ), same service we used to ship the 37-116 to Ukraine.

And I also had a chance to chat in Ukrainian with very, very nice (and also very, very nice-looking) Ukrainian women. I don't get to practice my Ukrainian very often, so I enjoyed it.

Thanks Peter!
Goopd video too!

And...I did not know it was in fact still working!

People who do not drink, do not smoke, do not eat red meat will one day feel really stupid lying there and dying from nothing.

Messages In This Thread
I'm still on the floor laughing! - by terrylett - 01-19-2019, 12:58 PM
462ron - by 462ron - 02-16-2022, 10:22 AM
462ron - by 462ron - 03-05-2023, 09:53 AM
462ron - by 462ron - 03-05-2023, 11:15 AM
462ron - by 462ron - 03-06-2023, 09:41 AM
RE: The list of my radio & TV collection! - by morzh - 03-16-2023, 02:07 PM
462ron - by 462ron - 01-01-2025, 10:31 AM
462ron - by 462ron - 01-02-2025, 09:10 AM

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