09-28-2012, 09:52 PM
Hello, and welcome!
The control on the left is the power/volume.
The middle one is the band switch, all the way counter clock wise is the broadcast (AM) band. The middle position is shortwave 1.75 to 5.8 MHz, and the position all the way clock wise is shortwave 5.7 to 18.0 MHz.
The 630 is a pretty good six tube set.
The control on the left is the power/volume.
The middle one is the band switch, all the way counter clock wise is the broadcast (AM) band. The middle position is shortwave 1.75 to 5.8 MHz, and the position all the way clock wise is shortwave 5.7 to 18.0 MHz.
The 630 is a pretty good six tube set.