Over the past thirteen years, I have been collecting and restoring wooden cabinet table-top and console radios from the 1930's and 40's; specializing in AC powered BC (Broadcast Band) and SW (Short Wave) sets (although there are a few Bakelite sets). Much of my collection is restored but there are a few that need cosmetic and electronic work languishing on the "IN" shelf. Being in the broadcast and professional video and audio service industry for 30+ years, I've also collected a varied list of test equipment for The Bench.
When not slaving over a hot soldering iron in the basement, this website, as well as the websites of the Antique Wireless Association and the Antique Radio Club of Illinois command my attention with updates, additions, repairing, tweaking, maintenance and kibitzing. I also hang out and give advice on a couple of the antique radio forums on the 'Net.
I have been an active member of the Antique Radio Club of Illinois (A.R.C.I.) since 1990 and the AWA since 1999. My early interest in radios and electronics was rekindled by two friends who grew up during the era of wireless and amateur radio communications. They actually built and used the types of radios described here. One of these acquaintances actually was a former Lab Assistant of Dr. Lee de Forest during the 1930s, 40s and 50s.

Electronics has been my hobby and profession for over 30 years. I started tinkering with electronics and radios about seventh grade and virtually memorized The Boy's First Book of Electronics by Alfred Morgan, published in 1954. I then "graduated" to the other three books in the series by Morgan. These four volumes taught me the basics of electronics and from there I experimented with circuits at home and built radios for science fairs through high school. In college, as a T.A. for my physics professor, I built physics and electronic devices and lab demos. Once out of school, from 1975 to 1979, I worked in the Television Department at the University of Illinois, Chicago Circle Campus as an Assistant Chief Engineer and then from 1979 through 1987 for various Chicagoland video system engineering firms as a Systems Engineer designing and building videotape edit suites, duplication systems and video production facilities. For the past sixteen years, I've been the Director of Engineering for Corplex TV, a suburban Chicago-based company dealing in broadcast video equipment sales and rentals. We also own and operate three state-of-the-art digital television production trailers and trucks for pro-sports networks and media entertainment mobile services. The designing, building and maintenance of this fleet keeps me busy when not engaged in antique radio persuits.